Experience the healing energies & teachings of
The Lineage of King Salomon from practioners certified by The Modern Mystery School
Hello! My name is Sandy Szabat, and I am a Guide, Teacher, and Practitioner with the Modern Mystery School. Based on the legacy and wisdom of the Lineage of King Salomon, this Hermetic tradition offers a wide variety of classes, healings, activations, and empowerments to help you create a life filled with purpose, self-mastery, and joy.
I offer several sessions that help promote connection with spirit and discovery of life purpose, including the Life Activation and Full Spirit Activation. The signature two-day Empower Thyself program imparts ancient wisdom and spiritual practices that provide you with tools to lead an empowered life, and concludes with a beautiful ceremony of initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon. I also offer a wide array of classes, including the Max Meditation System™, Spiritual Intuition, Sanctuary Meditation, Sacred Geometry, and Astral Travel, as well as Crystal healings, the Ensofic Ray healing modality, and more.
My purpose and joy at Integrative Healing Arts Center is help you experience a fulfilling life with joyful wellness of body, mind, and spirit. I offer tools that help you become more aware of your innate spiritual gifts, which empower you to identify and clear blocks that can limit your progress in life. Through this path of awakening and empowerment, you can develop a strong connection with the highest aspect of yourself, actualize your unique life purpose, and realize your dreams.

We are here to be of service to you!
Meditation is one of the most effective methods to find inner stillness and peace in your life. At Integrative Healing Arts Center I believe that building a meditation practice is one of the best services we can offer to ourselves as we travel down the path of self-discovery. I offer a guided Max Meditation System™ to help you to find a place of complete stillness. As well as a Sanctuary Meditation to powerfully connect with your higher self.
Energy healing has a place in everyone's lives! If you are looking to make changes in your life but seem to keep hitting the same road blocks, it's time to explore the world of energy healing with a powerful and direct lineage. Here at Integrative Healing Arts Center, I offer modalities that have been helping people to step into their true power for over 3000 years! You deserve to live your fullest life! Invest in your SELF with our beautiful healing and powerful clearing sessions.

Have you ever wanted to learn about the powers of sacred shapes? Or, how to astral travel? Confused on how to start a meditation practice or deepen the one you already have? Do you wish you had tools to help you manage your energy and emotions in your everyday life? At Integrative Healing Arts Center there are a number of classes to satisfy your curiosity and inner callings.
Whole person wellness encompasses a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Sandy Szabat offers her Naturopathic work here at the Integrative Healing Arts Center to help revitalize our physical bodies. Without a proper functioning vessel, our spirit can have trouble reaching it's greatness.
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